We Asked Our Experts: Do You Need a Trust?

Wills may not make sense for all estate planning needs. Find out when you might want to consider a trust.

Estate Sale Need-to-Knows

An estate sale could be an effective way to unload a house-full of possessions, but it's important to understand how the process works to minimize financial and emotional costs.

Lessons on Charitable Giving

How one woman's generous gift could help save lives—and what you can learn from her unique approach to philanthropy.

How a QPRT Can Help Reduce Estate Tax

Qualified Personal Residential Trusts (QPRTs) can be effective estate planning tools that may help you pay fewer gift and estate taxes when passing on a house to your heirs.

How Passing Assets to Parents Can Lower Taxes

Passing assets with substantial gains up to parents instead of waiting to pass them down to kids can help lower estate taxes.

Do It Yourself or Hire a Financial Pro?

Why sometimes there's no substitute for an outside financial expert.

Using 529s for Multigenerational Education Planning

Under the right circumstances, a dynasty 529 college savings plan can fund your family's education for generations to come.

3 Steps for Preserving a Family Legacy

Good communication and a clear mission can help cement your family's legacy for generations to come.

How to Help Heirs With Disabilities

For estate owners who have heirs with disabilities, providing financial support is paramount. A special-needs trust can help protect vulnerable family members without affecting government benefits.

Inheriting an IRA? Understand Your Choices

Understand how to manage inheriting an IRA, as well as the rules and choices to make the most of your inheritance.